Thursday, September 03, 2009

Dear Beef People,

I have been wanting to write for some time, to thank you and praise your absolute brilliance in hiring Matthew McConaghey to do your radio ads. And I'm not being sarcastic, this is genuine love for your new commecials. Genius, pure and simple. I am a meat-eater, and enjoy burgers and steaks and really anything that comes from a cow. But when I hear your recent commercials, with Mr. McConaghey's slow Texan drawl, my brain switches from, "I could go for a burger" to "All I want is a big fat burger!" It's pure genius. Women want Matthew McConnaghey and men want to BE Matthew McConaughey.


Satisfied beef eater

(You can hear one of the ads here and read other's reactions to the ad here. Just make sure you can get some beef after because you're going to want some.)


Tamara said...


Karina Tinsley said...

you crack me up.

kim said...

I heard an ad on the radio in the car the other day and thought what a great pick for beef...ha! Cute post.