Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Laborious Labor Day

Usually Labor Day is a day of rest. Not for us this year. The second part of our house project this summer is to paint it! After much researching and deciding and re-deciding, Bill chose to paint the house with our brother-in-law Todd. Todd works in Lynden at Lynden Paint and Decorating and does house painting on the side. So for the last week we've been prepping the house, sanding and priming the trim, etc. Then on Sunday we masked most of the windows (thanks Joy and Chris!) and Monday morning bright and early started painting.

I wasn't very optimistic that this would get done so quickly, to be honest. I was fully expecting that the weather wouldn't cooperate or some other hiccup would come along. But it went really well. Todd the spider monkey shimmied up to the roof and even got the peak painted. Bill got on the roof too!

We still have a lot of touch-ups and trim to paint, and Todd is coming back soon (maybe next weekend) to finish the west side of the house because we ran out of olive green paint. So far it looks great and Todd has done a super job.

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